Off Grid Software & Data Science Training
The Challenge
Many regions in the world still have no or very limited Internet access, making the delivery of training workshops for software very difficult. Using Raspberry PI computers we would like to create an environment for delivering Carpentries workshops without the need for access to the Internet. The Carpentries have built a large body of collaboratively developed lessons covering all aspects of software development, data science, and more. By creating a Raspberry Pi server that will act as an Access Point and a webserver we can create a local network with all the necessary R and Python libraries, lesson materials and a Git server available.
The project begun life at the SSI’s annual hackday and is driven by a team that meets monthly. The existing code can be found at:
CarpenPi - Taking Software and data science Carpentries Workshops to Places Without Internet Access by creating a working prototype of a CarpenPi workshop, i.e. a Pi server with RasAP as the access point and (preferably on the same server) the web server for web pages and lesson material, the Gitea server and MiniCRAN. An indication of the maximum number of workshop learners that can be accommodated with such a server. Feedback on how well a Raspberry Pi workstation can be used (as an alternative to a laptop).