The Challenge
For the last decade, open-source software development has taken the world by storm, giving the software industry a huge leap over traditional close-source businesses. The sanitary crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic has proven that medical and pharmaceutical research has a lot to improve for more effective and affordable solutions for global health. Medical knowledge should be more accessible to individuals and companies which do not have the advantage of technology, or appropriate healthcare system in their geographical area.
The goal of this proposal is to lay a basis for open-source medicine by designing a middle ground, in which individuals can be linked across the world, and access tools and rights to contribute to medical knowledge and development based on their abilities and expertise.

Project Team

Bashir Khoshnevis

Dayana Benny

Diya Jose

Lana Beck

Prerna Baranwal

Rita Abani

Sampada Gaonkar

Sara Zahedinezhad

Sarthak Mitter

Sina Khezri

Swapnil Papinwar