Better Body Bag
The team Better Body Bag is looking into ways to improve upon standard body bags that are used in the field today.
Our goal is to build a body bag prototype improving common models in order to greatly delay body decomposition.
Current models are well suited for handling and transportation of the bodies, but they do not properly address the factors which might influence decay. However, preventing decomposition is extremely important for postmortem identification. Our prototype aims to provide reduced temperature, humidity and oxygen concentration within the bag by increasing water and air impermeability. We believe that this is possible to achieve while maintaining a price range similar to current alternatives.
We also intend to study alternative use cases for the same device, such as food storage. Further developments could include active cooling, destruction of bacteria and microorganisms which provoke decomposition or MSF epidemiology certification for cases like Ebola. In case our prototype should prove to be successful, we aim to set the prerequisites for large scale production.
BODYTRACE - a mobile phone application to assist with the identification, management and recovery of victims during disasters. Live demonstration of a next generation body bag prototype featuring vacuum sealing, superabsorbent polymer and improved thermal isolation. CERN fire brigade and Pier56 team are working on the 'Better Body Bag' prototype that also minimizes possible contact with a dead body. Functional view of a new generation body bag that simplifies the identification process and chemicals to start a mummification process.
I just like to congratulate you guys. When we had this discussion with the rest of the team here, we sat with two of our forensics colleagues. And we looked at each other and realised in reality, in terms of body bags, recovery and retrieval of dead bodies has not advanced much in decades. It is actually probably the first time humans have thought of applying new technologies to this issue in a major way. I like to congratulate you because you will make a big difference to a lot of people.
Robin Coupland - Medical Adviser for Red Cross
Project Team

David Galbraith

DJ Forza

Jessica Bennett

João Bárcia

Jonathan Moy De Vitry

Kitty Liao

Ricardo Páramo

Romain Bazile

Steffen Raetzer