Unchained Project
The Challenge
Today, 25 million people are held captive in forced labor - all over the world - even in developed countries, there are more slaves in the world than ever before. There are more slaves than over the last 400 years combined. One in four victims of modern slavery are children.
There remains a huge lack awareness that this crisis exists as it is hard to believe in our modern times this is possible, and for those who are aware, what action can they take?
Times are changing. The consumer has more power than ever before with their purchasing decisions and can dramatically decrease demand for those products that do NOT align with their values. So yes, we can make a difference.
Our Approach
We as a team in The Port Humanitarian hackathon, kept coming back to a lack of awareness in our discussion, if only people knew – this wouldn’t happen. If people know, they would act. See as public pressure mounts, the momentum would shift towards positive change: from denial to ownership and from finger-pointing to collaborative action.
We applaud the organisations, the governments and the NGO’s who are working in this field. We will collaborate with them to develop an awareness platform to build the bridge between the information out there and the consumer to make sure that we unchain the modern day slaves and we support all shoppers to have the information and confidence to know that everything they buy is made without slave labor.
Project Team

Cyrus Pan Walther

Diego Avila

Ingrid Arkesteijn

James Jennings

Kerry Counts

Klara Jarolimova

Monalisa Orofino

Sampada Gaonkar

Simona Kriva