
The registration of cars and other transportation vehicles is a challenge in many west African countries. An mobile application that will allow every citizen who buys a new car to go through the car license plate application by indicating all information in a few minutes can overcome many disadvantages of the current registration systems, especially corruption and bribery. Putting these kinds of software in place will not only save time and money for government and users, but it will be much cheaper compared to travel and the usual waiting periods in front of the offices that take hours and hours of work or even days for some.


Project Team

Audrey Ruffie

Audrey Ruffié is Digital Communications Manager. She is passionate about Innovation in water and waste management. Graduated from Institut Supérieur de Communication et Publicité in Paris with a Master of communications, and a concentration in Brand and Innovation Management, she likes working on Smart City projects dedicated to vulnerable population. She is keen the approach of resilient city. When she is not working she likes to dance, write poetry, share good food and wine with friends and discover the creativity in the cities all around the world. She interests in gaining experience in technology, social media and smart city sectors.

Bashir Khoshnevis

Bashir was born in Tehran, studied Computer Science at ShahidBeheshti University. He worked as researcher, developer and system analyst at many companies. Since mobile devices have always been one of his interests, he made a community for iPhone developers and users right after unlocking the first iPhone in Iran which is now the biggest in the country. A few years ago Bashir co-funded a company to offer advanced repair services for laptops and cell phones also training coerces in hardware repair and electronic.

Daniel Dobos

Daniel is a particle physicist with a 15 year career at CERN working on silicon and diamond detectors as well as project management, large-scale data acquisition and analysis for the ATLAS experiment and the Large Hadron Collider. Daniel co-funded THE Port humanitarian hackathons at CERN, was program coordinator for the Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day (G3iD) and worked as Foresight & Futures Head for the United Nations hosted Global Humanitarian Lab (GHL).

Katherine Gradassi-Fournier

Katherine is an intercultural and clinical psychologist and works in Geneva as a psychotherapist in the field of migration (in all its different forms) with the association Pluriels. She is also developing her own private practice. She is passionate about her field of work and is fascinated by how we evolve in different systems, how they influence us and how we influence them in turn. Of a curious, dynamic, warm and welcoming nature, she believes that we have the necessary skills within us to overcome and face our difficulties and that it’s most often a question of remobilising our inner resources.

Mathilde Michel

Mussa Cande

